Sunday, 11 October 2009


Hiya Again Folks!
I am back again to report on.............well not a lot today.  I just felt it right to share with you the beginnings of a new page for St. Hils.  I am focussing in on "remembering....." because, as I have mentioned before, November is, very much, a month of remembering for me every year and particularly even more so since the loss of my mother.

And so it has felt very right to devote at least one page on the topic at this time.  November has two main days which are devoted to "remembering" and they are All Souls Day (2nd November) when all who have passed away are remembered and then "Remembrance Sunday" (usually the second Sunday in November) when all who died fighting for the country are remembered nationally.

I confess to a slightly sombre mood at the without giving away any personal details..........just to say that, yesterday, I had it confirmed that a much valued friend is terminally ill and hurt.  Fortunately my friend has a deep Christian personal faith so I KNOW that they are being  called to greater things and that their work here is done............but my humanity hurts............because yes........I know we will never exchange another call..............or a light hearted exchange when sharing a mutual joke................  And of course - they fervently supported St. Hils and also were a great support to me on the loss of my mother.

And have a special page this year devoted to the act of remembering those we have loved and lost seems highly appropriate................
So without more ado I have to share with you the first couple of photos taken which will form part of this new page.
Here you can see Ambrose with the church's very own Book of Remembrance which is kept for church records.  He has been asked to bring it into church by the vicar so that the names of those who have passed away during the last year can be read out during the service.

 I do have to assure you all though that this will NOT be an entirely sombre occasion.......oh no......................that would NEVER do in St. Hilary's.  We can always count on someone in either our human or animal/bird community to lighten the mood........................

And so......................Esme and Ernest our resident Mallard ducks are anxious that they too add a very special name to the list of those to be remembered on this commemoration of All Souls Day.

Ernest wants the vicar to include his mother, Elsie, in the names because she passed away very recently and his father, Eric, is naturally devasted.  They hope that Eric will find time to come and stay with them........................   Whoops - I have strayed into fantasy land again.............but you can see where this is going can't you?

Before telling you about my latest purchases (yep - we went out yesterday and I chatted to the lady assistant in one of the shops that sells dollshouse accessories and yes.......I succumbed...............) I must tell you that I am quite pleased with my miniature "Book of Remembrance".....................all created in Image Composer/Word and then printed on our Epson R1800!  I just LOVE my Epson!
You probably are wanting to know what I bought yesterday................  I bought two stools.....NOT that exciting in themselves but you see, I only have a few chairs and some tables - but no stools.  And stools can double up as small tables too for my games day.............................. 

The lady assistant at the dollshouse shop has finally bought herself a couple of 1/24 scale Tudor style houses and is most excited about them.   She didn't have room for anything 1/12 scale so these are perfect. I think, however, I am sticking to 1/12........definitely small enough for me!  I have enough trouble with my clumsy fingers and, as you will know from previous blogs, have had a couple of accidents yes......................will stick to 1/12 scale.........

Looking ahead and to Valentines' Day.......................................Miss Enid will be having quite a surprise from the vicar................................................I will share more later.................................

So folks........till the next time...............

PS: Pebbles, our little cockatiel, has caught a cold poor little chap but DOES it put him off his performances of "Pop goes the weasel" and "MAKE a cup of tea"..........well of course not. And he still enjoys perching on St. Hils and keeping an eye on the birds in our garden................AND a nieghbour's black and white cat who was also eying HIM yesterday afternoon from the top of a nearby garden shed.  I got my camera out but was just too late.........cos it would have made a great photo................


  1. Hi Sarah,
    I have left you a kreative bloggers award for your wonderful church. The details of the award are on my blog.
    Julia x

  2. There is an award for you on my blog.


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