Hiya Folks!
Just a short one today to share a very tiny St. Hils thought for the day. It is the only bright spark in what has been an otherwise hellish day courtesy of our broadband connection.......or rather........LACK of! Our broadband connection disappeared today without a trace after working fine yesterday. I then wish I HAD uploaded my St. Hils updates last night.................arghhhhh...
To coin the corny phrase "to cut a long story short"............AOL have been the subject of all of my calls today as we firstly establish that either the router or cable or both had given up the ghost..........even though me, thinking I was a real clever clogs, kept telling the poor support folk that I was SURE the line was down.........WRONG! A line test confirmed the error of my thinking!
So not to be deterred from a nice morning out as is our wont on a Saturday we headed off to Leamington and whilst Andrew went and did his own thing I visited Dolls Domain simply to heal my soul with miniatures after the hassles of AOL this morning. I didn't purchase anything this time..............if you all remember I bought a stool and a tray there only the other week and before I forget you can see the photo we took with Ambrose, tray and Miss Enid (and poor Rev Ken skulking in the background poor chap!) on our home page which looks quite good I think.
My next stop was WH Smiths............and THIS is where my tiny "thought of the day" for St. Hils comes in. I had seen on the Miniatura website that Dee Daw Designs were offering a free Miniatura cut out kit which includes a catalogue, bag, tickets, coffee and a pack of sandwiches! All I had to do was buy Dollshouse and Miniature Scene because it had the voucher in it. TOO good to miss I thought! Already visions of my children and congregation visiting Birmingham's Miniatura at the NEC came to mind!
I have yet to work out HOW they will visit the show and how I can realistically portray it - but if I have the catalogue and tickets - we can have them visit retrospectively if nothing else. I may even take my camera to the show to use sensitively and with permission................so my "children" can be sprited out on the computer so they can be "there"with me too!
All very hair brained.........................so I can't even promise it will work out..................................but I just wanted to share it with you all.........just in case it does......................
Oh and by the way - we ARE back online .......................a long story still as I had to ring again twice - once to get the router correctly configured - it is a long time since we had to do this with the first one so I decided a phone call was easiest to sort it out.................and then a bit later when the computer refused to recognise the wireless connection after being rebooted...........................arghhhhhh
If only life was as easy for ME as it is for my St. Hils residents............
Til the next time............
Sasha exhibition for a local literary festival
2 weeks ago
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